Page 4 - Equality-and-Diversity
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Aquabio Guideline Document Equality & Diversity Policy
  Equality and Diversity within Aquabio is about respecting the difference. We will treat all colleagues, customers, job applicants, contractors, suppliers and visitors fairly, equally and with respect and value the diverse skills and talent that different individuals can bring to our Company.
As a Company we will not tolerate any form of discrimination, victimisation, bullying or harassment on account of an individual’s difference. In addition to our business values, legislation also exists to legally protect the rights of individuals on the grounds of sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientations, religion or belief, marital status (including civil partnership status), age, race (including ethnic or national origin, colour or nationality) or disability. In addition, a colleague should not be treated less favourably on account of working part time or being on a fixed term contract.
We pride ourselves in being different. This is underpinned by our desire to promote equality and diversity. We recruit, train and work with people from all sections of society and value the different skills, ideas and experiences they can bring to our business.
Training and developing managers and colleagues, as well as actively putting this policy and procedure into practice, will create a culture which is equal as well as diverse.
This policy aims to ensure that every employee experiences dignity and respect at work and enjoy a working environment that treats everyone equally and fairly.
 2.2. SCOPE
 • All colleagues are expected to display the values of this Equality and Diversity Policy and management are required to adequately train and raise awareness within the workplace of its purpose and benefits.
• Colleagues, customers, job applicants, contractors, suppliers and visitors should not be treated less favourably on account of their difference regardless of whether this difference is protected by legislation.
• The protection from discrimination is given whether the cause is real or perceived. Perception is where a person is discriminated against for a characteristic they do not actually have, even though others believe they do.
• Discrimination is also extended to colleagues who are associated with an individual who has one of the protected characteristics (for example where a colleague has a child or partner who is disabled).
Aquabio Limited - Registered No. 3379754 England Page 4 of 7 Aquabio Limited is part of the Freudenberg Filtration Technology group of companies

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