Page 6 - Drug-and-Alcohol
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Aquabio Guideline Document Drug and Alcohol Policy
In cases where an employee admits to having an alcohol or drug dependency before it becomes a serious misconduct issue (which may either be admission without prompting to their own Manager, or admission following counselling by a Manager who suspects they have a developing problem), the Company will be understanding and will be prepared to offer confidential support and assistance to help them resolve the problem. The company will initially refer the employee to a Medical Adviser. It may also be appropriate (especially if supported by medical advice) to transfer the employee on to alternative duties within their capabilities, or suspend them from work altogether, on safety grounds. Following receipt of the Medical Adviser's report, the company will interview the employee (who may be represented by a fellow employee/accredited representative of a recognised trade union) to discuss the way forward and to specify the terms under which they will be prepared to provide support and assistance. Support and assistance will be provided in the form of encouragement, access to a Medical Adviser and confidential counselling service, and time-off for appropriate counselling/doctor appointments. However, this support and assistance will be strictly conditional upon the employee committing to an ongoing process of counselling/treatment in accordance with medical advice, and striving to become medically fit to return to substantive work within a reasonable timescale.
The employee will also have to accept that the company will need to monitor the situation, and may take reasonable steps (e.g. immediate referrals to a Medical Adviser or further testing) to confirm to their satisfaction that reasonable progress is being made. The aim of this support and assistance will be to help successfully and permanently rehabilitate the employee back into their normal job, which may require providing them with other temporary substantive duties during the recovery period, within a reasonable timescale. However, where it becomes clear that the employee is not committed to this aim, or relapses, or where it becomes clear that recovery, if it ever does happen, will be over an unreasonably long timescale, then formal action in accordance with the principles of the company's Disciplinary Procedure may be taken. This could lead to dismissal (either with or without notice depending on the merits of the case)..
In order to monitor the effectiveness of the policy and ensure compliance, testing will be used as a means to detect any breaches in its rules. Depending on the circumstances, following a positive result, Employees may be given support to help them resolve the problem or dealt with in accordance with the company’s Disciplinary Procedure.
Testing for the use of unauthorised substances as outlined in clauses above will be carried out in the following circumstances:
Aquabio Limited - Registered No. 3379754 England Page 6 of 10 Aquabio Limited is part of the Freudenberg Filtration Technology group of companies